Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2010

fotoseries from mitilini summer 2009- nr1.such painters not welcome!

everymorning the frontex boat was returning from their night tour in the border between turkey and greece.they parked in the harbour of mitilini and spend their days sitting in the sunshine , and their nights, radar-hunting refugees .
in august 2009 a demonstration of refugees that could not travel and solidar people , passt by the frontex boat.
the prompt reaction of the sunbathing men was to put immediatly the motor on and live the harbour instantly.
copyright david schommer
this days even the conservative press in town had a karikatur saying:
the painters of the aegean see
I will paint the first hand and you the second!!...

the cheapest and most dangerous dingys used by refugees to travel to greece have the name BESTWAY..........