Donnerstag, 30. April 2009
Text at the “back-end” of Salaminias street -arab/farsi
Montag, 27. April 2009
minister promises!
Now the greek goverment found finnaly the solution for the Refugees trying with any means to leave greece from the patras port, risking their lifes:
Keep them by force in Greece. And put them in closed camps , actually prisons.
But if the european union pays for them they are named wellcome centers.
so now the minister of the interior decided that the selforganised camp in patras schould be closed by the month of may09.
it seems he doesn´t know that:
ministers come and go.
refugees stay!
Patras migrants
Interior Minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos promised on Saturday that a makeshift camp housing hundreds of illegal immigrants in squalid conditions next to the port of Patras would be shut down by the end of May and that its inhabitants would be moved to a former army camp. «The new camp will be organized, guarded and will meet standards of hygiene and the protection of human rights,» said Pavlopoulos during a visit to Patras on Saturday. He added that underage migrants would be transferred to two other special camps.
Samstag, 25. April 2009
Greek authorities detained 146,000 migrants in 2008
[] Athens - Authorities in Greece detained 146,000 illegal immigrants, most of whome came from Turkey, altogether in 2008, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday. In addition, 2,211 people traffickers were arrested and brought before the courts.
The issue of illegal immigration is a priority for Greece, according to the Foreign Ministry in Athens.
Foreign Minister Dora Bakogianni earlier announced that the government wanted to see the issue of illegal migration on the agenda at the next European Union summit.
One out of every ten people living in Greece is a non-EU national. The overall number of immigrants is estimated at around 1.2 million, including 800,000 - mainly Albanians - with residence permits.
Greece’s immigrant problem centres around some 400,000 unregistered migrants, the majority being from Asia and North African-born refugees who wait at the western Greek ports of Patras, Corfu and Igoumenitsa to travel to Italy and then on to Western Europe.
According to aid agencies, such migrants remain without legal protection and are left to “vegetate.”
Samstag, 18. April 2009
no border call -turkish
Lesvos adası (Midilli Adası) Avrupaya gitmek isteyen, binlerce mülteci
ve göçmen için ana giriş kapılarından biridir. Küçük, şişme botlara
tıkıştırılan mülteciler, Türkiye'yle Yunanistan arasındaki deniz
sınırını geçmeye çalışıyorlar. Fakat bunların bazıları asla
başaramıyor. Geçen 20 yılda 1,100'den fazla göçmen ve mülteci bu yolla
Ege Denizin'de hayatlarını kaybetiler.
Yunan Sahil Güvenliği, Avupa'ya ve Yunanistan'a 'girişi engelleme'
politikalarıyla, mülteci haklarını çiğneyip bunların hayatlarını
tehlikeye sokmaktadır. Sahil Güvenliğin faaliyetleri aynı zamanda
Frontex tarafından desteklenmektedir, Frontex'in ilk gemisi Temmuz
2008'de Lesvos Adasında çalısmaya başlamıştır. Frontex görevlileri son
zamanlarda Pagani'de (Lesvos), tutuklu bulunan mülteci ve göçmenlerle
görüşmeler yapmaya ve bunları sorgulamaya başladılar.
Pagani'de (Ada'nın başkenti Mitili'nin 5 kilometre dışında) Lesvos'a
ulaşabilen mülteci ve göçmenlerin hemen getirildikleri bir mülteci
kampı bulunmaktadır. Mülteci ve göçmenler haftalarca, aylarca burada
kapalı tutulmaktadırlar. Burası insan haklarının ayaklar altına
alındığı bir hapishanedir. Bina, gerekli altyapıya sahip olmadığından
burası insanın yaşamasına uygun değildir. Ayrıca, mültecilere iletişim
kurma şansı verilmemekte, mülteciler hakları hakkında
bilgilendirilmemekte ve açık havaya çıkmalarına izin
EURODAC bilgisayar sistemine kayıt edildikten sonra, mülteciler bir
resmi belgeyle serbest bırakılmakta, bu belge mültecilerin sınır dışı
edileceğini bildirmekte ve mültecileri ülkeyi bir ay içerisinde terk
etmeye zorlamaktadır. Bunların bazıları iltica müracatında bulunarak
devletin bürokratik işlemlerinin içine girmekte ve devlet şiddetine
maruz kalmaktadırlar (Atina yabancılar dairesinde geçen aylarda iki
ölüm vakıası görüldü) ve müracatlarının sadece sadece % 0,6'sı kabul
Yunanistan'da kalmaya karar veren ve iş bulanlar çok sıkıntı
yaşamakta, ağır çalışma saatlerinde çalıştırılmakta, insanlık dışı
şartlara maruz bırakılmakta ve bunun karşılığında çok düşük ücret
almaktadırlar. Bu koşullara maruz bırakılan insanlara, çalışma
koşullarını düzeltebilmelerine yardımcı olacak örgütlenme hakkı
tanınmamaktadır. Buna uygun bir örnek kısa süre önce yaşandı: Bir
sendika yetkilisi asitle (Vitriol) öldürülmeye çalışıldı.
Diğer Avrupa ülkelerine (genellikle İtalya üzerinden) devam etmeye
çalışanlar, Patras gibi doğu Yunanistan limanlarında toplanıyorlar.
Buradaki sahil güvenliğin baskıları da, seyehat esnasında kamyonlarda
ölü bulunan cesetler gibi günlük olaylar arasındadır. Kaçış
girişimlerinde basarılı olanlar, Dublin II sözleşmesine göre
Yunanistan'a geri gönderilmektedir.
Schengen Antlaşmasından Dublin Düzenlemesine, Avrupa Birliği Göçmenlik
ve İltica Paktından utanç talimatlarına', Frontex'ten IOM'a, izolasyon
kamplarından sınır dışı etmelere ve sınırlardaki savunma
politikalarından, metropollerdeki baskılara kadar, Avrupa, göç ve
mülteci olayını baskı ve sınır denetimiyle önlenmesi gereken bir
problem olarak gördüğünü ispat etmektedir.
Sınırlara ilişkin ortak deneyimleri biraraya getirmek, sorunları
tartışmak ve eylemlerimizi koordine edip mücadele etmek için Avrupa
sınır kontrol sistemlerinin açıkça göründüğü Lesvos'a' 25. - 31.8.2009
tarihinde hepinizi davet ediyoruz.
* Yeni emperyalist politikalara ve zorunlu göçe karşı
* sınır rejimine, baskı ve kontrol pratiklerine karşı
* göçün kriminalize edilmesine karşı
* mülteci kamplarındaki şiddete ve göçmenlerin maruz kaldığı şiddete
* göçmen emeğinin sömürülmesine karşı
Sınırlara hayır!
Hiç kimse yasa dışı değildir!
Göçmen tutuklamalarına son!
Eşit haklara evet!
No Border Lesvos 2009
Freitag, 17. April 2009
Text at the “back-end” of Salaminias street -
Text at the “back-end” of Salaminias street
While they were waiting here in Petrou Ralli boulevard for the asylum application, like you do right now, three people got killed by the police. Mohamed -aged 24- from Pakistan in October, Mazir -aged 24- from Pakistan in December and Hussein –aged 26- from Bangladesh in January. The police claim that these were accidental incidences but all of you who experience here this situation every Friday know the truth. The police beat the people who wait in the line during the night to put them in order or during the dawn in order to break them up since only few of them will manage to make the asylum application. Many times people get injured from the police night-sticks or get trampled during the chase. This situation is not accidental though.
In Greece only one in a thousand refugees gets papers. With this situation that you experience every Friday, the greek state wants to show you that you are unwanted. That you are a burden that has to be thrown away. On one hand they make your life difficult so that you will leave the country as soon as possible and meanwhile on the other hand by keeping you without papers they allow native bosses to exploit you as much as they want, undisturbed.
But this situation does not exist exclusively in Greece. Thousands of people are trying to reach Italy, Spain and France in order to find a better fortune. On their way there, many of them die. Many others get arrested and are sent to prisons, prisons which the Europeans name as “reception sites for immigrants”, until they get deported. The European states that participate in the war against your countries, those who bomb you, ravage your land and force you to uproot, are trying by all means to stop you from passing through their borders.
However, even if you manage to pass the borders, even if you receive the papers, this doesn’t mean that racism is overcome. There are many problems the solution of which might start even from here. When Mohamed got murdered many people from different countries joined together here in Petrou Ralli boulevard, barring the road and circling the building of Foreign Nationals/Immigrants for many hours, showing our anger for the murder and demanding that all refugees will get their papers. Afterwards, for several weeks, we were meeting each other at the back-end of Salaminias street and we were excluding Petrou Ralli boulevard for hours. While the greek state was trying to hide the line in an alley behind the central department, to hide the same bad situation that you are living right now, we were also trying to go the main road all together, to exclude it and demonstrate so that all the people can see us. In this way the police could not beat the immigrants in the dark and moreover they were pushed to give more papers. This is the reason why the police transferred the line on this side of Salaminias street, on a road that cannot meet with Petrou Ralli boulevard, a road that is like a dark prison far away from society’s eyes, a road which is barred and forbidden every Friday after 6 o’clock.
We are people from various countries, greeks, refugees and immigrants even with no papers. The reason why we are here is to try all together and push the greek state to end this bad situation, to stop raising the police night-sticks against immigrants, to give papers to all immigrants, to make this case known to everyone, to spread all over the greek society a message of solidarity against racism, to fight against borders and states that divide people.
Together, we will find the way. This situation must change and apart from ourselves we owe this to Mohamed, Hussein and Mazir who got killed to no purpose with no one accounting to no one.
Petrou Ralli boulevard 04/13/2009
Initiative of refugees, immigrants and solidarios
Watchdog airplane of FRONTEX in Lesvos
The closure of Mitilinis Airport at nights will affect the decision taken some time ago that an airplane of FRONTEX will be based in the airport for the controls from the air against "illegal migrants".
Arrivals in Lesvos - Monday-Tuesday
Donnerstag, 16. April 2009
Another victim of the Police operations at the western Ports of Greece
16 April 2009
This is a translation of this article.
On the 3rd of April at Igoumenitsa port the Coast Guard men injured fatally a Kurdish immigrant from Iraq. The eyewitnesses who are “sans papiers”immigrants described “commandos in blue and military camouflage uniforms. The policemen requested by the immigrants to leave the port area. They did so, but returned some time later to find a way to be transported to Italy, which was their goal. They waited there, but the police returned as well, and they arrested Arivan Abdullah Osman, a 29 year old Kurdish Iraqi. They banged his head on the cement at the port and inflicted him an internal hemorrhage.
He was transferred to local medical centers, and finally at the Thessaloniki Papanikolaou Hospital, where he underwent a surgical operation at his head.
Unfortunately, mechanical support is still necessary for his vital organs to function. According to the doctors he has no chance to recover and will either die, or will go into vegetative state, should anyone concerned allowed for his disconnection from the support machinery.
Mittwoch, 15. April 2009
Schwalben und Flüchtlinge
La represión no tiene espacio en nuestra barca…
La represión no tiene espacio en nuestra barca…
Los últimos años la isla de Lesvos representa una de las entradas principales para miles de refugiados y emigrantes que quieren entrar en Europa. Empacados en pequeñas barcas de plástico intentan pasar la frontera marítima entre Turquía y Grecia. Algunos no lo consiguen nunca. Los últimos 20 años más que 1.100 emigrantes y refugiados han perdido su vida en el mar Egeo.
La policía naval, siguiendo la política europea y griega de “prevención de entrada” viola los derechos de los refugiados y pone sus vidas en peligro. A la vez, su acción la apoya Frontex, cuyo primer barco entró en accion en la isla el julio del 2008. Recientemente funcionarios de Frontex comenzaron a entrevistar /interrogar refugiados y emigrantes que están detenidos en Paganí de Lesvos.
En Paganí (2 km fuera de Mytilini, la capital de la isla) se encuentra el centro de detención donde mandan a los refugiados y los emigrantes apenas llegan a Lesvos. Allá se quedan encerrados durante semanas o meses. Es una cárcel donde no se respetan los derechos humanos. El edifício es inadecuado para seres humanos ya que no existe la infraestructura básica para ese propósito. Además no se les ofrece la posibilidad de comunicarse, no les informan sobre sus derechos y no le es permitido el acceso al aire fresco.
Después de registrarse en el sistema Eurodac, los dejan libres con la orden de una deportación administrativa que les exige salir del país alrededor de un mes. Algunos de ellos reclaman el derecho de asilo enredándose en un caos burocrático, experimentando la violencia del estado (2 muertos en el Departamento Policial de Extranjeros en Atenas los últimos meses) aunque al final, sólo el 0,6% de las solicitudes vienen aceptadas.
Los que eligen quedarse en Grecia y encontrar trabajo, tienen que aguantar varias coacciones, horarios laborales extremos, condiciones inhumanas y pagos degradantes. Por su situación precaria no se les da el derecho a asociarse para poder lograr mejores condiciones laborales. Un ejemplo es el reciente intento de asesinato con vitriolo contra una sindicalista extranjera en Atenas.
Los que intentan continuar su viaje hacia otros paises de Europa (normalmente a través de Italia), se agolpan en los puertos occidentales como él de Patra. Allá, la represión de la policía naval es un fenómeno diario, como también los muertos que se encuentran dentro de los camiones con los cuales los refugiados tratan de dejar el pais. Esos que logran continuar su viaje, si se les captura, se les regresa de vuelta a Grecia según el Reglamento de Dublín II.
Desde el Acuerdo de Schengen hasta el Reglamento de Dublín, desde el Pacto europeo de Inmigración y Asilo hasta la llamada “Directiva de la Vergüenza”, desde Frontex hasta OIM, desde los centros de detención hasta las expulsiones y prácticas de prevención, desde las fronteras hasta las capitales, Europa demuestra que enfrenta el fenómeno de la inmigración como problema de represión y vigilancia de las fronteras.
Acá, en Lesvos, donde es claramente visible la creación de un sistema de vigilancia de las fronteras europeas, os invitamos,del 25 al 31 de agosto 2009, para que adquiramos juntos la experiencia de lo que esta pasando en las fronteras, discutir, coordinar nuestras acciones, luchar:
Coordinación de No Border Lesvos 2009
Dienstag, 14. April 2009
ProsFigi solidarity group in Lesvos
Montag, 13. April 2009
map of detention places in Greece
χάρτης στρατοπέδων συγκέντρωσης μεταναστών
13042009Για λεπτομερή κατάλογο στρατοπέδων συγκέντρωσης μεταναστών και εικόνα ανά νομό επισκεφτείτε την αντίστοιχη ετικέτα στην κορυφή της ιστοσελίδας
Σχόλια : Κανένα σχόλιο »
Sonntag, 12. April 2009
Samstag, 11. April 2009
briefing for refugees in Athens visitng the Foreign.Migrants department
According to the methods followed by the greek police, those who manage to get into the Foreign Nationals-Migrants Department of Athens in Petrou Ralli, will receive a small piece of paper which assigns a specific date for interview. After the interview, another paper is given (Service Memo) which bears their photographs and the stamp of the police that writes when they have to go at Petrou Ralli to receive the pink card (residence permit).
The same day in which they receive the pink card, they also get another piece of paper (Disposition/Decision). The Disposition bears a stamp by the police and at the right bottom lies the issuance date (date of print) and it says in greek that in 10 days period an appeal must be done otherwise the asylum application will be rejected. Many received the Disposition when they tried to renew the pink card.
Those who received such a disposition and did not make an appeal found themselves in the end without papers. Thus, when they tried to renew the pink card six months later, the police dispossessed their pink card.
With a new call of the police, those who have received the Disposition that was printed from the 11th of July, 2008, until today (the dated written at the right bottom) and resulted without papers, can go at Petrou Ralli Department and get back the pink card.
For free legal consultancy you may visit the Legal Team for the Rights of Refugees and Immigrants, 60, Akadimias Street, 3rd floor, Monday and Wednesday 17:00-19:00, phone number: 210-3398249
Initiative of Refugees, Immigrants and Solidarios
Mittwoch, 8. April 2009
Dienstag, 7. April 2009
links für noborder camps und kein mensch ist illegal*/