calais 23-30.6.09 swarming noborder activities greece 2010 bruxelles 28.9-3.10.2010
hello to all,
today a press-conference, organised from a new local alliance, was
held directly in front of the gates from Pagani, and for tomorrow,
friday, a call was launched for a demonstration in Mytilini. The main
respective demand is the immediate closure of Pagani (and finally of
all other internment/detention-camps). On the backgound of various
developments within last days it seems to be really possible, that
Pagani will be closed next days! Following you find a short summary
what happened last week ( see the more detailled daily reports at
http://lesvos09.antira.info/) and the appeal to international
solidarity-activities (fax/email-campaign) for tomorrow and in the
next days.
greetings from some noborders and friends in mytilini
Short summary of last week
End of last week the vice-interior-minister from the new government
was in Lesvos. "worse than the inferno from dante" was his public
comment in the medias after his visit in Pagani, where he was
directly confronted with the unbearable conditions and the protests
of the arrested refugees. and he explicitly said, that Pagani must be
Shortly before this "representative visit" from athens another little
revolt happened in the prison, and in two following evenings fire was
set up in two cells. mainly the young refugees used the fire as a
succesful mean (what is not exactly safe and some people suffered
from light smoke poisoning) in their struggle against the arbitraly
and inhuman internment. the young men of the burned cell could stay
over night in the yard (it was/is still warm enough), and after the
day before yesterday most locks of the cells have been broken by the
inmates. the police left it undone to repair and to lock them up
again: not accidently as they wanted to avoid more conflicts and
perhaps hoped, that the situation would calm down. in the same
evening nearly all cells have been open, the inmates could meet and
gather in the yard, they enforced a sort of permanent yards exercise
(given before even not an hour in a week!), they sang out and
clapping the hands...
anger and the motivation to resist increased in pagani in the weeks
after first achievements during the nobordercamp, and although 100 to
200 refugees have been released every day and could travel with the
ferry to athens, the newcomers follow in the same mood.
in some greek newsletters it was clearly documented, that policemen
had beaten refugees in Pagani (short time after the leave of the vice-
interior minister), and afterwards the police in lesvos seemed to be
in an additional defensive position. reportedly the police want to
get closed pagani too in the meanwhile, they obviously want to escape
from a situation, where they get under increasing pressure from
inside and outside the prison.
finally in the morning of the day before yesterday the bad news came
out, that 8 women and children from afghanistan drowned, when their
boat capsized after crashing on rocks. 8 new victims of the
borderregime, 10 more people could be safed in last minute by a
fisher (who jumped into the water to save a baby).
in the same day a local meeting was held in mytilini, the press-
conference for today was decided and the demonstration for tomorrow/
friday. everybody agreed, that we will not demand for any improvement
of living conditions in pagani, its only about immediate closure!
and if it is possible to continue to make pressure on various levels,
the closure of pagani seems to be realistic for the next days.
on this backgound another proposal came up to get involved the
transnational networks: to start a fax- and/or email-campaign, on one
hand to the vice- interior minister to remember to his promises, and
secondly to the prefect of mytilini with the demand to (re) open the
pikpa-building as a reception center (as interims-solution). so the
remaining arrested refugees and migrants (in moment less than 150)
could be released immediately.
so our immediate demands are:
Shut down Pagani now!
(Re)Installation of an open reception center Pikpa!
Immediate registration-procedures and transferoptions to Athens!
in greek:
na kleisi tora i pagani!
na xananixi to anichto kentro ipodoxis Pikpa!
amesi ekdossi ipiresiakou simiomatos ke xorigissi isitirion gia athina!
and these demands should be send tomorrow/friday or also monday and
tuesday in greek (and english) to the followoing responsible
authorities in athens and mytilini:
mr.Pavlo Bogiatzis
tel 22513-52101 /2/3
fax 22510-46652
vice minister Spiros VOUGIAS
10177 ATHENS
tel 210-6977505
fax 210-6929764
The Norwegian Asylum Seeker Organisation, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the greek organisation AITIMA published today a report on secret deportations from Greece. I hope it will help to get thorugh the demand to stop deportations to Greece from other European countries. the report shows cases of refoulment.
The report is in English an can be downloaded at
ouzo was great, but then came the limeniko(water police boat) and went out of the harbour at 23..30 without lights
like frontex used to do,
and an hour later, at 24.30, they came back with around 20 refugees,
that had to help carying the motor out and had to go for short time to the container prison
and then where brought to the prison car that would drive them to them to pagani.
to the next revolt!
good night.
Yesterday (17.10.2009) a demonstration was organised in athens by anarchists for the torture which lead to the death of a migrant from pakistan, in the police department of Nikea (an area in athens). Mohamed Kamran Atif was arrested on the 27/09 after some charges for the abuse of a minor. While the invasion of the cops at the house he was staying with his family, he was beaten badly by the cops and then he was driven to the police department of Nikea. all the way to the police department they kept beating him and while he was kept there he complained later to his family that he was tortured even by electroshock. The accuser didn't recognise him so his brother was called to pick him up. He was forced to sign a paper saying that his brother (Mohamed Atif) didn't carry any bruises or any signs of abuse. There are also information that his papers (allowance of staying in greece) were also destroyed from the cops as a mean of pressure to him. He had clear signs of abuse and torture but he was too afraid to go to the hospital to be checked by the doctors. After a few days, on the 09.10 he died as his body had suffered insuperable damages. The greek media of course didn't cover the story as they all now praise the new "socialist" government. Yesterday, around 500 anarchists were gathered a made a demo towards the police department of nikea. The whole area was full of cops, (all of the kinds) and they were following the demo all the way. when the demo reached close to the police department, the road was closed by a police bus. then the cops got attacked by the demo. as the demo was going away from the area, and while there was still some stone-throwing taking place, the riot cops attacked the demo with tear-gases and shock grenades. The demo continued to draw back until it reached the square where it was agreed to end. Info then started coming about people that got arrested while they were trying to leave the area where the clashes had happened. Apart from that, a lot of people got arrested while they where leaving nikea after the demo. Today 8 persons passed from the public prosecutor and 5 of them were charged with felonies for public disobedience, according to the new law about covering your characteristics while on a public demonstration. The rest of them were charged with delinquencies. Tomorrow they are going to pass from the court. Since yesterday the city hall of nikea is under occupation from the people that were at the demo and some more solidarists, demanding the release of the people that got arrested and the retraction of the accusations. More info and photos on athens.indymedia https://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1093182 https://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1093501 https://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1093228 https://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1093701 _________________________________
Iraq sends back UK asylum flight
By Marie Jackson
BBC News
Iraqi asylum seekers sent back to Baghdad by the UK government have been refused re-entry to their homeland, and flown back to Britain.
The flight, carrying about 40 asylum seekers, landed in Baghdad on Thursday. Ten were admitted but the rest were turned away and have now arrived back.
Human rights group Refugee and Migrant Justice said this was "unprecedented".
The Home Office said it was working with the Iraqi government to iron out issues that caused some to be returned.
The asylum seekers are now at Brook House detention centre near Gatwick airport where they are being given legal advice, according to a Refugee and Migrant Justice spokeswoman.
She said: "One would have expected with such a high profile remove, the Home Office would have sorted this out with the Iraqi authorities.
"For such a high profile groups to be returned is unprecedented."
The government's plan to send the group back to Baghdad, where just this week at least eight were killed in attacks on a market in north-west Baghdad, met with criticism from human rights group.
There have been no returns to Iraq since 2008 and this would have been the first return to the capital city since the start of the Iraq war in 2003.
Political and sectarian violence has diminished in Iraq since 2005-07 levels, but lawlessness remains a problem, and there has been a recent spike in violent incidents.
Enforced route
Lin Homer, chief executive of the UK Border Agency, said: "We are establishing a new route to southern Iraq and have successfully returned 10 Iraqis to the Baghdad area. This is an important first step for us.
"We are working closely with the Iraq government to iron out the issues which lead to some of the returnees being sent back, and expect to carry out another flight in the future.
"Having an enforced route for returns is an important part of our overall approach; however the government prefers the majority of returnees to leave voluntarily."
She said more than 2,500 people have chosen to return to Iraq under the Assisted Voluntary Return Programme in the past three years and that was expected to continue.
The Home Office said it has no estimates of the current number of failed Iraqi asylum seekers in the UK, but about 1,000 had returned to northern Iraq last year, either through enforced deportation or voluntarily.
Calais Migrant Solidarity this morning has received three reports by email of direct actions made in and around Calais in solidarity with the 100s of migrants in the area at the receiving end of constant police harassment and violence.
#1 "Several banners were last night hung from bridges over the A16 Dunkerque-Calais and the A26 Calais-Paris road reading 'Solidarite avec les migrants'. We took these actions to draw attention to the less publicised conditions of migrants in Dunkerque and along the northern French coast who are forced to live in make shift shelters as they wait a chance to cross the channel to the UK. Many of these people are fleeing persecution and war that the EU is enagaged in. We believe these people have a right to move freely to safety and should be treated with respect not the constant police violence that has been evident these last years, months and particularly last weeks in Calais where migrants have been temporarily detained while their shelters are destroyed, only to be dumped back on the streets again. These state and police actions are inhuman, counter-productive and we believe illegal.
No person is illegal - No borders are necessary - Freedom of movement for all"
#2 "The fountain opposite the town hall in Calais was this morning filled with harmless red die to symbolise the blood on the hands of French Immigration minister Eric Besson and UK Home Secretary Alan Johnson. Besson is the worst kind of politician, flitting from left to right, by his wife's recent allegations a constant liar and cheat, seeking to advance his own position by standing by as 'jungles' in Calais are razed, calling them 'inhuman conditions', conditions his policies have created - making people seeking safety and help malnourished, unable to access basic medical care and despite his claims not given the possibility of making asylum claims with due process. Among these people by the police's own reckoning about half are children, many seeking refuge from the wars we have created. We owe these people dignity, not the 'delight' expressed by Johnson as their basic shelters are destroyed and they are displaced yet again. The UK should take responsibility for the human fallout from its illegal wars and let these people into the UK. Calais is the shame of France, the UK and all of Europe. Governments have failed here, only solidarity between people on a human level can make any sense of this brutal daily trauma.
No Borders! No Nations! Freedom of movement for all!"
#3 " In solidarity with the migrants of Calais we would like to report that at around 3.30am this morning the Coquelles police/detention/law court complex south of Calais had it's main vehicle gate and both pedestrian access gates locked shut with heavy duty chains and padlocks. This was an attempt, however brief it may have lasted, to disrupt the daily dawn mobilisation of CRS police units to terrorise migrants 'jungles' and squats with their gas and batons. Enough violence! Enough fascism on the streets of Europe! ...Besson!
No Borders! No Nations!
Suite à l’annonce du charter franco-anglais avec des Afghans
(voircommuniqué : http://lille.indymedia.org/article17756.html),
les infos seprécisent.
Le charter partirait de l’aéroport de Lille-Lesquin vers 23h30.
Le vol expulserait des personnes raflées dans la jungle de Calais. Il
partirait à 23h30. il faut s’attendre à des transferts depuis le centre de
rétention du Mesnil-Amelot et peut-être de celui de Coquelles.
Nous appelons à un rassemblement à 20h ce mardi soir à l’aéroport
Lesquin pour protester contre ce charter.
The German Captain Stefan Schmidt and his first mate, Elias Bierdel,
were navigating their ship, the Cap Anamur, towards Basra, Iraq, in
2004 with a load of humanitarian supplies when they spotted a group
of 37 refugees lost at sea in an inflatable raft.
The Cap Anamur is equipped with an on-board hospital and has spent 30
years running humanitarian missions around the world.
After bringing the refugees on board, the Captain and his crew
directed the ship to land in a Sicilian port. This was denied by
Italian authorities.
After ten days at sea, the Cap Anamur landed in Italy and both,
Schmidt and Bierdel were arrested. The ship was impounded and the
refugees were deported.
The Italian government is currently prosecuting both Schmidt and
Bierdel and is asking for a four-year prison (4 years!) sentence and
400,000 EUR fine.
The trial, the threat of a possible conviction and the prospect of
further legal proceedings have been a heavy burdens for the accused
for three years now.
Their livelihood and reputation are at risk.
The International League for Human Rights nominated Captain Schmidt
for the decoration by the Carl von Ossietzky Medal 2009 for his
courage and outstanding contribution to the defense, implementation
and further development of the universal human rights including the
universal right to asylum.
The celebration will take place on 13 December 2009 in the central
hall of the House of World Cultures in Berlin.
Please take action.
The wearing trial against the Cap Anamur enters its decisive stage
The Italian court in the region of Agrigento (Sicily) intends to
pronounce the judgmenton 07 October 2009.
The International League for Human Rights raises a sharp protest
against the attempt of the Italian government to criminalize the
humanitarian aid of Captain Schmidt and Elias Bierdel.
We call for an EU-wide solidarity with the accused.
We demand to drop all charges against them and to fully restore their
reputation and will not accept any other judgement!
Please distribute the attached PR (French, Italian, Spanish, German)
widely. Please do develop your own solidarity activities in your
country and additionally EU-wide.The widespread deaths in the
Mediteranian sea has to be stopped. All EU member nations have to
initiate a change of thinking concerning asylum seekers and
immigration.It is hight time to take committed responsibility for the
universal human rights and elementary humanitarian obligations in the
territories of the EU!
Please let the media and authorities in your country know:
The real scandal is the loss of life at the gates of Europe.
Aid and rescue at sea are no crime but a humanitarian imperative!
Berlin, October 2009
The Board
Prof. Dr. Fanny-Michaela Reisin (President)
International League for Human Rights - FIDH/AEDH Germany
Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte (ILMR)
Haus der Demokratie und der Menschenrechte>
Greifswalder Str. 4>
Fon: ++49+30 396 2122
Fax: 2147
email: Vorstand@ilmr.de>
www :ilmr.de\>\>
A Franco-britannique deportation "charter" is scheduled for October 6 flying to
These courts have highlighted the inanity of this media operation recalling the respect of the people rights and fundamental freedoms Several courts have cancelled the papers obliging the migrants to leave the French territory (APRF) with the motivation of the non respect of the right to claim asylum . the government has not remedied this.
.The government remains locked in his rhetoric about the magnetic effect of the jungle, according to which Afghans, Eritreans, Iraqis, Iranians, Sudanese, etc.. don’t come to
These "cleaning operation” are continuingas well as the placement of Afghans in detention .
The joint charters which are contrary to the principle of collective deportation . They are leading to arbtitrary discriminatory and inhuman practices , in defiance of peoples fundamental rights
We call upon the French and the Britsh authorities to waive any project of deportation to
Call to come to Calais, France (need help urgently)
At this point, Calais is becoming a hell. The "jungles" and squats Calais
are being destroyed. The immigrants are being arrested, detained and then
sent back to the streets with no place to sleep and constant fear of
police violence.
The police and their dogs are preventing immigrants can
return to their previous shelter to pick up their few possessions.
Children as young as 8 are roaming the streets without a home.
As a result, some immigrants have begun a hunger strike and
need our support. Since the No Borders camp in June in Calais we have had
a constant presence, with activists and migrants working together in
solidarity taking action against Besson´s repressive regime of border
control. At the moment there are very few activists in Calais we need
Come to Calais and if you can´t take action and mobilise.
For more information: http://calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com