Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010
"German Asylum Policy and its Deadly Consequences" (1993 bis 2009)
ari-berlin-dok@gmx.de – www.ari-berlin.org/doku/titel.htm
New release ! 17. Updated edition of the documentation Berlin, 17.3.2010
"German Asylum Policy and its Deadly Consequences" (1993 bis 2009)
The documentation shows in more than 5000 single incidents the consequences of governmental and social racism -
consequences for people who came to the Federal Republic of Germany searching for protection and security, but were
harmed physically as a result of its racist special laws and the racism in German society.
The many cases documented clearly show the level of violence used by governmental agencies, courts, police, medical
personal and others to implement laws concerning refugees, as well as the degree of arbitrariness and disrespect for human
dignity with which refugees are tormented, harassed and often driven to suicide or harming themselves. Blackmail,
harassment and fraud but also clan liability, family separations or the imprisonment of minors are some of the measures used
by the state and its compliant employees to force refugees into “voluntary” departures.
The effects are devastating. Spending years with one’s life being put on hold (forced to live in refugee camps, not
allowed to work, being obliged by law to stay in a certain district), without any prospects for the future and existential fear
result in grave traumatization of the refugees and their families. And when people are simply too sick to be deported and no
decent physician, who would announce them fit to travel, can be found, the authorities hire “fit-to-fly” doctors. In exchange
for a bounty, critically ill patients are cleared for deportation by such medics – in spite of all other expertise saying the
opposite. The borders to malicious injury are crossed in this procedure and people receive injections until they constitute no
more “disturbance”. Other physicians appear at the hospital bed with police at their side and give the order to let patients be
carried away.
Even people who after years finally get their right to residency granted, still do not get a chance to find peace of mind and
develop a perspective for their lives. After no more than three years, the federal office of migration and refugees reviews the
decision in so called rescission procedures and can revoke it. Many people lose their residence status in this process and are
once more threatened with deportation. While between 2003 and 2009 residency (asylum) was granted in only 38.255 cases,
62.385 acknowledged refugees got their status revoked in the same time. Thousands and thousands of people who have their
status revoked in these rescission procedures have to start from “zero” again – not only legally but also psychologically.
The documentation covers the period from 1.1.1993 to 31.12.2009.
175 refugees died on their way to the Federal Republic of Germany or at its borders,
131 of them died at the German Eastern border,
507 refugees suffered injuries crossing the borders, 299 of them at the German Eastern border,
154 refugees killed themselves in the face of their impending deportation or died trying to escape from
deportation, 59 of them while in custody pending deportation,
858 refugees injured themselves out of fear of deportation, in protest against the impending deportation (risk
hunger strikes) or tried to commit suicide, 509 of them in custody pending deportation,
5 refugees died during deportation and
384 refugees were injured by compulsory measures or mistreatment during their deportation,
31 refugees died in their country of origin after their deportation, and
488 refugees were mistreated and tortured by the police or military in their country of origin
or were at the risk of their lives due to severe illnesses,
73 refugees disappeared without a trace after their deportations,
14 refugees died during police assignments independent from deportation
427 were injured by the police or custody staff, 138 of them during arrest,
67 refugees were killed in fires or other attacks on refugee accommodation centres
786 refugees were injured, in part severely,
15 refugees died through racist attacks on the street and 767 people were injured.
Since 1993 at least 378 refugees have died as a result of measures taken by the German Federal Republic –
82 people died through racist attacks and arsons on refugee accommodations.
The documentation contains two books. Both books are available for 18 € plus 3.20 € for shipping & packing.
Book I (1993 – 2002) 10 € for 260 pages – Book II (2003 – 2009) 10 € for 260 pages - plus 1,60 € each for shipping & packing.
The CD-ROM is available for 18 € plus 1.60 € for shipping & handling.
Both books and the CD-ROM are available for 32 € plus 3.20 € for shipping & handling.
The 16th edition currently available online: www.ari-berlin.org/doku/titel.htm
Samstag, 12. Juni 2010
stop deportation of Amanullah from London to Kabul
Mr. Christoph Von Saldern, Managing Director
Hamburg International Airlines, Falkenbergpark, Paradiesstraße 206b, D-12526 Berlin/Schönefeld
Head Office Fax: 00 4940 5005 0111, E-Mail: contact@hamburg-international.de
Amanullah Muradi Home Office nr. M 1179902 on Tuesday 15th June 22:00 flight PVT008 London Kabul/Afghanistan.
I am writing to you with regards to Amanullah Muradi, Home Office Reference number M1179902, who is due to be removed on Tuesday 15th June, on the charter flight from London-Kabul. Amanullah Muradi is a 22 year old Afghani who is in Oakington detention centre awaiting deportation to Afghanistan coming Tuesday.
Amanullah has been told it is safe to return him to Afghanistan. This appears in direct contradiction to the fact that 20,000 additional US troops have been sent there over the last 6 months and the strategy of "clear, hold and build" in contested areas of the Pashtun southern and eastern parts of the country is not working out as planned.
Amanullah fled Afghanistan after his affair with a commander's wife was noticed. She was the commander's third wife and quite young, 18 years. Amanullah was also young (under aged) and naive. In Afghanistan it is a crime to have a sexual affair outside marriage and the consequences can be physical punishment, life imprisonment or death. After the commander found out about the affair, he killed his wife and started to hunt down Amanullah. The commander was and still is powerful and he will kill Amanullah.
Afghanistan second weakest state in the world
According to Washington-based Brookings Institution and the Centre for Global Development, Afghanistan is rated the second weakest state in the world, lacking the capacity to establish and maintain political institutions, secure their population from violent conflict, control their territories and meet the basic needs of their population (see below for details).
Amnesty International 2009 human rights report on Afghanistan.
Many regional officials and militia commanders continued to perpetrate human rights violations with impunity.
Death penalty: retentionist, Life expectancy: 42.9 years
Millions of people living in southern and eastern Afghanistan, terrorized by the Taliban, other insurgent groups and local militias ostensibly allied with the government, suffered insecurity that further restricted their already limited access to food, health care, and schooling. Indiscriminate attacks, abductions and the targeting of civilians reached unprecedented levels. The Taliban and other anti-government groups significantly expanded their attacks to cover more than a third of the country, including areas once considered relatively safe in the centre and the north. Increased military attacks between anti-government groups and US and NATO troops resulted in more than 2,000 civilian deaths. The government failed to maintain the rule of law or to provide basic services to millions of people even in areas under its control.
Justice system
Judicial and security sectors lacked the personnel, infrastructure, and political will to protect and promote human rights.
Even in areas of the country under government control, impunity prevailed at all levels of administration. No effective accountability mechanism had been established and only a handful of those responsible for serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law during three decades of conflict have been brought to justice, mostly in other states under the principle of universal jurisdiction. Many regional officials and militia commanders continued to perpetrate human rights violations with impunity.
I am deeply shocked that a reputable airline would carry passengers against their will in the manner that you have done in the past and I urge you not to carry out any more of these flights, please cancel the flight for Tuesday 15th of June. ‘Ethnic charter flights’ are seriously harming the reputation of Hamburg International Airlines.
The Home Office is disputing Amanullah's history, they simply refuse to believe a younger guy could have a sexual affair. When Amanullah arrived in the UK it was accepted he was under aged, but his rights as a 16 year old were completely denied. It is totally unacceptable to deport him to Afghanistan where he has no family, since his whole family had to flee to Iran. He has nowhere to go to, no money and a commander who will hunt him down. To send Amanullah back to Afghanistan could be a death sentence. His life will be in serious danger, if he is returned.
Amanullah arrived in the UK in 2003 and has many friends. He has lived in the UK for 7.5 years under limited conditions, but he managed to attend English classes, and is an active member of the community. Many people are writing to his MP in support of him. His solicitor is organising a Judicial Review. We demand that Amanullah is allowed to stay until his case is properly reviewed.
Yours Sincerely,
Name: Address: City: Postcode:
Rt Hon Theresa May MP
House of Commons
Tel: 020 7219 5206
Fax: 020 7219 1145
Dear Home Secretary,
I am writing to you with regards to Amanullah Muradi Home Office Reference number M1179902, who is due to be removed on Tuesday 15st June, on the charter flight from London-Kabul. Amanullah is a 22 year old Afghani from Hazara ethnicity who is in the Oakington detention centre awaiting deportation to Afghanistan coming Tuesday.
Amanullah has been told it is safe to return him to Afghanistan. This appears in direct contradiction to the fact that 20,000 additional US troops have been sent there over the last 6 months and the strategy of "clear, hold and build" in contested areas of the Pashtun southern and eastern parts of the country is not working out as planned.
Amanullah and his family suffered a lot because of their Hazara ethnicity and Shia faith, especially by the Taliban. Two brother's of Amanullah were killed by a road side bomb in Kandahar, this was just after the West declared war on the Taliban in 2001. Amanullah was pushed by his father to revenge his brother's deaths. A thing Amanullah did not want to do.
Amanullah fled Afghanistan in October 2002 after his affair with a commander's wife was noticed. She was the commander's third wife and quite young, 18 years. Amanullah was also young (under aged) and naive. In Afghanistan it is a crime to have a sexual affair outside marriage and the consequences can be physical punishment, life imprisonment or death. After the commander found out about the affair, he killed his wife and started to hunt down Amanullah.
The Home Office is disputing Amanullah's history, they simply refuse to believe a younger guy could have a sexual affair. When Amanullah arrived and claimed asylum in the UK in 2003 it was accepted he was under aged, but his rights as a 16 year old were denied.
He has lived in the UK for 7.5 years under limited conditions, but he managed to attend English classes, he has made many friends and is an active member of the community. Amanullah's life will be in danger when send back to Afghanistan, also he his whole family had to flee Afghanistan and he has literally nowhere to go.
His solicitor is organising a Judicial Review. We ask that Amanullah is given the opportunity to stay until his case is properly reviewed.
Yours sincerely,
City: Postcode: Country:
Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010
Karawane Festival in Jena Germany. Fight for Freedom of Movement!

Jena: Karawane People Are Fighters!
Gestern endete mit einer großen Tanzparade das Jena-er „Karawane Festival für die Toten der Festung Europa“... Seit Freitag wurde die Innenstadt der Thüringer Studentenstadt durch politische Aktivisten, entrechtete Einwanderer und sich solidarisch zeigender, interessierte Mitbürger bevölkert. Mit einer Gedenkdemonstration am Freitag Mittag startete das Festival in seine „heiße Phase“ – bei den Temperaturen von 30 Grad im Schatten symbolisch als auch wörtlich gemeint. An dieser Gedenkdemonstration, die vom Pulverturm zum Theaterhaus über den Holzmarkt führte und bei der am Theater ein Monument zur Erinnerung an die Opfer der Festung Europa errrichtet wurde, nahmen bereits an die 500 Menschen teil, die nahezu schweigend bei sphärischen Klängen an all die Tausenden Menschen gedachten, die dank rassistischer Sondergesetze, EU-Repression und faschistischer Gewalt den Tod fanden. Weltmusikkünstler aus verschiedensten afrikanischen Staaten, Klezmer-Musiker, politische Hiphopper und Reggae-Musiker die sich in deutschen Flüchtlingsheimen zusammenfanden, spielten auf den diversen Bühnen und umrahmten politische Diskussionsrunden, Theaterstücke und Infostände. An DIY-Tischen wurde dazu animiert, sich gegen Spende Fair Traide-T-Shirts, -Stofftaschen oder andere Textilien zu bedrucken, sich seine eigenen Andenken sprayen oder Buttons pressen zu lassen. Jeder Cent, jeder Schein eine Spende für die Karawane. Ein Festival wie dieses wird ein Schweinegeld gekostet haben, also hoffen wir, daß möglichst viele Besucher sich solidarisch zeigten und ihr Geld lieber in tolle Projekte wie die Karawane als an die gleichzeitig stattfindende Kirmes investiert haben. Am Samstag fand mit der Maskenparade, deren wichtigster Teil 2 afrikanische originale Totenmasken – eine uralte Tradition zur Ehrung der Verstorbenen – die Demonstration anführte. Bei bestem Wetter und begleitet von zahlreichen Transparenten und Parolen, die die Abschaffung der Residenzpflicht, das dauerhafte Bleiberecht für alle Menschen, die Schließung sämtlicher Lager forderten oder einfach rassistisches Verhalten des Staates anprangerten, nahmen hier an die 1500 bis 2000 Menschen teil. Im Permanentkino an der Uni sowie am Theaterplatz wurden fortwährend politische Doku-Filme gezeigt, verschiedenste Gruppen präsentierten Theaterstücke, so z.B. ein non-verbales Stück der Gruppe „Break the Silence – Oury Jalloh“ oder zur EU-Grenzproblematik. Seinen Höhepunkt erreichte das Festival am Samstag Abend als zuerst Holger Burner (Polit-Rap) sowie Irie Revoltes (Reggae-Ska-Dancehall aus Heidelberg), welche am Pulverturm vor sicherlich 2000 Zuschauern auftraten. Doch mit dem Besuch von Konzerten und dem dortigen Parolengerufe ist es noch lange nicht getan. Erst wenn wir das, was wir rufen, auch im Alltag leben, wenn wir uns für bedingungslose Solidarität einsetzen, können wir die Ketten, die uns fesseln, durchbrechen.
Everywhere you go, you can hear them sing:
Karawane people they are fighters!